Thin section lab

Tisch mit Polierscheiben

The thin section lab is conjointly operated by the Department of Geology and the Department of Lithospheric Research. Production of thin sections (polished, both-sided polished or covered), smear slides and orientated embedding (mounts) of different materials.The lab is equipped with several (a plurality of) modern devices. Embeddings are carried out by epoxy resin and a mounting press. Sample chunks are formatted by diamond cut-offs. Separation of the sample chunks from the glass and a first grinding is done by a Thin Sectioning System (PetroThin). On a Logitech CP50 the samples are lapped to their final thickness.In addition a Revolt diamond polishing machine for thin sections is available. Chemical polishing is done by a Logitech CP50.

Contact (Department of Lithospheric Research):

 Claim form for thin sections


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