Department of Lithospheric Research

The Department of Lithospheric Research deals with all aspects of the geological investigation of Earth's lithosphere. Main fields of interest are the petrological, geochemical and geochronological characterisation of plutonic, ophiolitic, and metamorphic rock units of the continental and oceanic crust, respectively. Our investigations are thereby focused on the Alpine orogeny. Other topics of interest are the investigation of geochemical and metasomatic processes in the upper sub-continental mantle in South America and Siberia, the investigation of meteorite impacts on Earth and their influence on the environment, the investigation of meteorites, and the archaeometrical characterisation of artefacts.



Unter den hundert neuen "Geological Heritage Sites" finden sich auch der von Christian Köberl vorgeschlagene Bosumtwi-Krater in Ghana sowie der...

Public, Forschung (DE), Lithosphere, International (DE)

Neue Daten zeigen, dass der Impaktkörper vor 66 Millionen Jahren ein kohlenstoffhaltiger Asteroid war, erklärt Geochemiker und Impaktforscher...

Forschung (DE), Presse, Lithosphere

During April 2024, the geologist Sonja Aulbach is visiting professor at the Department of Lithospheric Research. Research on the deep earth for her is...

Visiting (EN), Zu Gast (DE), Forschung (DE), Research (EN), International (EN), International (DE), Studium (DE), Study (EN), Lithosphere

Erdwissenschafts-Studierende und Lehrende berichten über die Vulkanologische Exkursion auf die Äolischen Inseln und zum Ätna im August/September 2023

Internationale Exkursion (DE), Studium (DE), International (DE), Lithosphere, Faculty:Views

Die Austria Presse Agentur gestaltete anlässlich des 65. Geburtstags von Christian Köberl ein Porträt des Kosmochemikers an der Universität Wien.


Article in "National Geographic" on the "Snowball Earth" study of Minmin Fu (Yale) with participation of Christian Köberl.


 The Faculty for Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy in the public

ESO/H. Heyer, T.Exel. B. Schenk; 2nd row: CCO/Pai Shih/Flickr, T. Exel, R. Gold/IfP, NASA/R. Simmon