Begutachtete Publikationen des Departments
Zeige Ergebnisse 201 - 220 von 882
Holm-Alwmark, S., Jourdan, F., Ferriere, L., Alwmark, C., & Koeberl, C. (2021). Resolving the age of the Puchezh-Katunki impact structure (Russia) against alteration and inherited
40Ar* – No link with extinctions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 301, 116-140.
Gupta, T., Elibol, K., Hummel, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Mangler, C., Habler, G., Meyer, J. C., Eder, D., & Bayer, B. C. (2021). Resolving few-layer antimonene/graphene heterostructures. npj 2D Materials and Applications, 5(1), Artikel 53.
Tedonkenfack, S. S. T., Puziewicz, J., Aulbach, S., Ntaflos, T., Kaczmarek, M.-A., Matusiak-Malek, M., Kukula, A., & Ziobro, M. (2021). Lithospheric mantle refertilization by DMM-derived melts beneath the Cameroon Volcanic Line-a case study of the Befang xenolith suite (Oku Volcanic Group, Cameroon). Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 176(5), Artikel 37.
Bechtold, A., Brandstaetter, F., Pittarello, L., Ferriere, L., Greenwood, R. C., & Koeberl, C. (2021). Lunar meteorite Northwest Africa 11962: A regolith breccia containing records of titanium-rich lunar volcanism and the high alkali suite. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 56(5), 971-991.
Ali, S., Ntaflos, T., & Sami, M. (2021). Geochemistry of Khor Um-Safi ophiolitic serpentinites, central Eastern desert, Egypt: Implications for neoproterozoic arc-basin system in the Arabian-Nubian shield. Chemie der Erde / Geochemistry, 81(1), Artikel 125690.
Racki, G., Koeberl, C., & Michalak, M. (2021). In search of historical roots of the extraterrestrial impact theory, II: two unknown German pioneers from the 1850s, Ludwig Pfeil and Karl Reichenbach. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 110(3), 1109-1115.
Peters, B. J., Mundl-Petermeier, A., Carlson, R. W., Walker, R. J., & Day, J. M. D. (2021). Combined lithophile‐siderophile isotopic constraints on Hadean processes preserved in ocean island basalt sources. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 22(3), Artikel e2020GC009479.
Burda, J., Klötzli, U., Majka, J., Chew, D., Li, Q. L., Liu, Y., Gawęda, A., & Wiedenbeck, M. (2021). Tracing proto-Rheic - Qaidam Ocean vestiges into the Western Tatra Mountains and implications for the Palaeozoic palaeogeography of Central Europe. Gondwana Research, 91, 188-204.
Dey, P., Ray, J., Sheikh, J. M., Patel, S. C., & Koeberl, C. (2021). Windowing petrogenesis of continental flood basalts through mineralogical investigations: a case study from the Eastern Deccan Volcanic Province. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 110(2), 447–466.
IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 Scientists (2021). Globally distributed iridium layer preserved within the Chicxulub impact structure. Science Advances, 7(9).
Fathy, D., Wagreich, M., Ntaflos, T., & Sami, M. (2021). Provenance Characterization of Campanian Lacustrine Organic-Rich Mudstones on the Southern Tethyan Margin, Egypt. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 5(2), 197-209.
Reimold, W. U., Ferrière, L., Koeberl, C., & Plescia, J. (2021). Scientific Comment on Klokočník et al. “Support for two subglacial impact craters in northwest Greenland from Earth gravity model EIGEN 6C4 and other data”, Tectonophysics 780 (2020), 228396. Tectonophysics, 800, Artikel 228578.
Bishop, J. L., Yesilbas, M., Hinman, N. W., Burton, Z. F. M., Englert, P. A. J., Toner, J. D., McEwen, A. S., Gulick, V. C., Gibson, E. K., & Koeberl, C. (2021). Martian subsurface cryosalt expansion and collapse as trigger for landslides. Science Advances, 7(6), Artikel 4459.
Cavosie, A. J., Biren, M. B., Hodges, K., Wartho, J.-A., Horton, J. W., & Koeberl, C. (2021). Dendritic reidite from the Chesapeake Bay impact horizon, Ocean Drilling Program Site 1073 (offshore northeastern USA) A fingerprint of distal ejecta? Geology, 49(2), 201-205.
Zeug, M., Nasdala, L., Ende, M., Habler, G., Hauzenberger, C., Chanmuang N., C., Škoda, R., Topa, D., Wildner, M., & Wirth, R. (2021). The parisite–(Ce) enigma: Challenges in the identification of fluorcarbonate minerals. Mineralogy and Petrology, 115(1), 1-19.
Wang, H. S., Chen, L., Elibol, K., He, L., Wang, H., Chen, C., Jiang, C., Li, C., Wu, T., Cong, C. X., Pennycook, T. J., Argentero, G., Zhang, D., Watanabe, K., Taniguchi, T., Wei, W., Yuan, Q., Meyer, J. C., & Xie, X. (2021). Towards chirality control of graphene nanoribbons embedded in hexagonal boron nitride. Nature Materials, 20(2), 202–207.
Matusiak-Malek, M., Puziewicz, J., Ntaflos, T., Woodland, A., Uenver-Thiele, L., Buchner, J., Gregoire, M., & Aulbach, S. (2021). Variable origin of clinopyroxene megacrysts carried by Cenozoic volcanic rocks from the eastern limb of Central European Volcanic Province (SE Germany and SW Poland). Lithos, 382-383, Artikel 105936.
Mezibricky, R., Csanadi, T., Vojtko, M., Frohlichova, M., & Abart, R. (2021). Effect of alumina and silica content in the calcium aluminosilicoferrite Ca-2(Ca,Fe,Mg)(6)(Fe,Si,Al)(6)O-20 bonding phase on the strength of iron ore sinter. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 257, Artikel 123733.
Casetta, F., Ickert, R. B., Mark, D. F., Giacomoni, P. P., Bonadiman, C., Ntaflos, T., Zanetti, A., & Coltorti, M. (2021). The Variscan subduction inheritance in the Southern Alps Sub-Continental Lithospheric Mantle: Clues from the Middle Triassic shoshonitic magmatism of the Dolomites (NE Italy). Lithos, 380-381, Artikel 105856.
florsheim, J., Koeberl, C., Mckay, M. P., & Riggs, N. (Hrsg.) (2021). Field Excursions from the 2021 GSA Section Meetings: Geological Society of America Field Guide 61.
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