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Zeige Ergebnisse 61 - 80 von 882
Klötzli, U. S., Neugschwentner, B., Burda, J., Kanjanapayont, P., Li, Q. L., Liu, Y., Konečný, P., & Charusiri, P. (2024). The Late Cambrian to Neogene Evolution of the Khanom Core Complex (Peninsular Thailand). Lithosphere, 2024(1), Artikel lithosphere_2023_272.
Koeberl, C. (2024). 2020 Service Award for Agnieszka Baier. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 59, E1-E2.
Sandoval-Velasquez, A., Casetta, F., Ntaflos, T., Aiuppa, A., Coltorti, M., Frezzotti, M. L., Alonso, M., Padrón, E., Pankhurst, M., Pérez, N. M., & Rizzo, A. L. (2024). 2021 Tajogaite eruption records infiltration of crustal fluids within the upper mantle beneath La Palma, Canary Islands. Frontiers in Earth Science, 12, Artikel 1303872.
Bordenca, C. V., Faccini, B., Caracausi, A., Coltorti, M., Di Muro, A., Ntaflos, T., Pik, R., Rizzo, A. L., Liuzzo, M., & Aiuppa, A. (2023). Geochemical evidence for a lithospheric origin of the Comoros Archipelago (Indian Ocean) as revealed by ultramafic mantle xenoliths from La Grille volcano. Lithos, 462-463, Artikel 107406.
Ullah, M., Klötzli, U., Wadood, B., Khubab, M., Islam, F., Shehzad, K., & Ahmad, R. (2023). Pb diffusion in perfect and defective zircon for thermo/petro-chronological investigations: An atomistic approach. Chemical Geology, 640, Artikel 121750.
Ullah, M., Klötzli, U., Gautheron, C., Tassan-Got, L., Islam, F., Younas, M., Shehzad, K., Khubab, M., Ibrar, M., & Wadood, B. (2023). Effect of heterogeneity on the diffusion of Pb in apatite for petrochronological applications: A multiscale approach to characterizing the influence of apatite chemistry and anisotropy on Pb diffusion. Lithos, 460-461, Artikel 107396.
Holliday, V. T., Daulton, T. L., Bartlein, P. J., Boslough, M. B., Breslawski, R. P., Fisher, A. E., Jorgeson, I. A., Scott, A. C., Koeberl, C., Marlon, J. R., Severinghaus, J., Petaev, M. I., & Claeys, P. (2023). Comprehensive refutation of the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis (YDIH). Earth-Science Reviews, 247, Artikel 104502.
Cserép, B., Szemerédi, M., Harangi, S., Erdmann, S., Bachmann, O., Dunkl, I., Seghedi, I., Mészáros, K., Kovács, Z., Virág, A., Ntaflos, T., Schiller, D., Molnár, K., & Lukács, R. (2023). Constraints on the pre-eruptive magma storage conditions and magma evolution of the 56–30 ka explosive volcanism of Ciomadul (East Carpathians, Romania). Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 178(12), Artikel 96.
Kurz, M., Fernandez, O., Eggerth, L., Grasemann, B., & Strauss, P. (2023). Emplacement and associated sedimentary record of the Jurassic submarine salt allochthon of the Wurzeralm (Eastern Alps, Austria). Terra Nova, 35(6), 524-532.
Colle, F., Masotta, M., Costa, S., Mollo, S., Landi, P., Pontesilli, A., Peres, S., & Mancini, L. (2023). Effect of undercooling on clinopyroxene crystallization in a high K basalt: Implications for magma dynamics at Stromboli volcano. Lithos, 456-457, Artikel 107327.
Petrishcheva, E., Heuser, D. A., & Abart, R. (2023). Coherent lamellar intergrowth in alkali feldspar. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 178(11), Artikel 77.
Sandoval-Velasquez, A., Rizzo, A. L., Casetta, F., Ntaflos, T., Aiuppa, A., Alonso, M., Padrón, E., Pankhurst, M. J., Mundl-Petermeier, A., Zanon, V., & Pérez, N. M. (2023). The noble gas signature of the 2021 Tajogaite eruption (La Palma, Canary Islands). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 443, Artikel 107928.
Pittarello, L., Ferrière, L., Chernonozhkin, S. M., Vanhaecke, F., & Goderis, S. (2023). The vesiculated layer in the anomalous diogenite Northwest Africa 12973. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 58(11), 1677-1690.
Joachim-Mrosko, B., Konzett, J., Ludwig, T., Griffiths, T., Habler, G., Libowitzky, E., & Stalder, R. (2023). Al and H incorporation and Al-diffusion in natural rutile and its high-pressure polymorph TiO2 (II). in V. V. Schijndel, K. Cutts, I. Pereira, M. Guitreau, S. Volante, & M. Tedeschi (Hrsg.), Minor Minerals, Major Implications: Using Key Mineral Phases to Unravel the Formation and Evolution of Earth's Crust (S. 123-147). The Geological Society of London.
Casetta, F., Asenbaum, R., Ashchepkov, I., Ageeva, O., Abart, R., & Ntaflos, T. (2023). Ascent rate of the Udachnaya-East kimberlite melts from olivine diffusion chronometry. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 619, Artikel 118322.
Zelinková, T., Racek, M., & Abart, R. (2023). Compositional trends in Ba-, Ti-, and Cl-rich micas from metasomatized mantle rocks of the Gföhl Unit, Bohemian Massif, Austria. American Mineralogist, 108(10), 1840-1851.
Kostomitsoupoulou-Marketou, A., & Rodler-Rørbo, A. (2023). The Colourant Mapping Project: approaching the evidence of colourant production in the Aegean during the Hellenistic and Roman Period through Kea, Kos and Rhodes. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 15(10), Artikel 160.
Djukic, I., Zehetner, F., Horacek, M., & Gerzabek, M. H. (2023). In situ carbon and nitrogen turnover dynamics in topsoils: a climate warming simulation study in an alpine ecosystem. Soil Research, 61(8), 766-774.
Bian, G., Ageeva, O., Roddatis, V., Habler, G., Schreiber, A., & Abart, R. (2023). Oriented secondary magnetite micro-inclusions in plagioclase from oceanic gabbro. American Mineralogist, 108(9), 1642-1657.
Kettler, C., Wohlschlägl, R., Russell, C., Scharfenberg, L., Ghienne, J. F., & Le Heron, D. P. (2023). A world-class example of a Late Palaeozoic glaciated landscape in Chad. Sedimentary Geology, 455, Artikel 106470.
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