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Reimold, W. U., Hauser, N., Oliveira, A. L., Maciel, A. R. P., Goderis, S., Pittarello, L., Wegner, W., Fischer-Goedde, M., Koeberl, C., Debaille, V., & Silva Maia de Souza, C. (2023). Genesis of the mafic impact melt rock in the northwest sector of the Vredefort Dome, South Africa. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 58(7), 907-944.

Thiemens, M. M., Shaheen, R., Gerritzen, C. T., Gyollai, I., Chong, K., Popp, F., Koeberl, C., Thiemens, M. H., & Moynier, F. (2023). Zinc, carbon, and oxygen isotopic variations associated with the Marinoan deglaciation. Mineralogy and Petrology, 117(2), 373-386.

Paar, G., Ortner, T., Tate, C., Deen, R. G., Abercrombie, P., Vona, M., Proton, J., Bechtold, A., Calef, F., Barnes, R., Koeberl, C., Herkenhoff, K., Hausrath, E. M., Traxler, C., Caballo, P., Annex, A. M., Gupta, S., Bell, J. F., & Maki, J. (2023). Three-Dimensional Data Preparation and Immersive Mission-Spanning Visualization and Analysis of Mars 2020 Mastcam-Z Stereo Image Sequences. Earth and Space Science, 10(3), [e2022EA002532].

Coltorti, M., Bonadiman, C., Casetta, F., Faccini, B., Giacomoni, P. P., Pelorosso, B., & Perinelli, C. (2023). Nature and evolution of the northern Victoria Land lithospheric mantle (Antarctica) as revealed by ultramafic xenoliths. in A. P. Martin, & W. V. D. Wal (Hrsg.), The Geochemistry and Geophysics of the Antarctic Mantle (S. 57-82). The Geological Society of London. Geological Society Memoir Band 56