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Zeige Ergebnisse 701 - 720 von 882
Tschegg, C., Hein, I., & Ntaflos, T. (2009). Integrated geological, petrologic and geochemical approach to establish sourcem material and technology of Late Cypriot Bronze Age Plain White ware ceramics. Journal of Archaeological Science, (36), 1103-1114.
Moynier, F., Beck, P., Jourdan, F., Yin, Q.-Z., Reimold, W. U., & Köberl, C. (2009). Isotopic fractionation of zinc in tektites. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 277(3-4), 482-489.
Köberl, C. (2009). Late Eocene impact craters and impactoclastic layers - An overview. Geological Society of America. Special Papers, 452, 17-26.
Stojanovic, A., Kogelnig, D., Mitteregger, B., Mader, D., Jirsa, F., Krachler, R., & Krachler, R. (2009). Major and trace element geochemistry of superficial sediments and suspended particulate matter of shallow saline lakes in Eastern Austria. Chemie der Erde / Geochemistry, 69(3), 223-234.
Milke, R., Abart, R., Kunze, K., Koch-Müller, M., Schmid, D. W., & Ulmer, P. (2009). Matrix rheology effects on reaction rim growth I: evidence from orthopyroxene rim growth experiments. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 27, 71-82.
Schmid, D. W., Abart, R., Podladchikov, Y. Y., & Milke, R. (2009). Matrix rheology effects on reaction rim growth II: coupled diffusion and creep model. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 27, 83-91.
Ionescu, C., Höck, V., Tomek, C., Koller, F., & Balintoni, I. (2009). New insights into the basement of the Transylvanian depression (Romania). Lithos, 108, 172-191.
Göd, R., & Heiss, G. (2009). On The Geochemistry and Mineralogy Of PhylliteHosted Tourmalinites ¿ Eastern Alps. Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, 155, 61-61.
Abart, R., Petrishcheva, E., Käßner, S., & Milke, R. (2009). Perthite microstructure in magmatic alkali feldspar with oscillatory zoning;Weinsberg Granite, Upper Austria. Mineralogy and Petrology.
Townsend, G., Gibson, R. L., Horton, Jr., J. W., Reimold, W. U., Schmitt, R. T., & Bartosova, K. (2009). Petrographic and geochemical comparisons between the lower crystalline basement-derived section and the upper granite and amphibolite megablocks of the Eyreville-B core, Chesapeake Bay impact structure, USA. Geological Society of America. Special Papers, 458, 255-275.
Gier, S., Ferriere, L., Köberl, C., Bartosova, K., & Reimold, W. U. (2009). Petrographic and shock metamorphic studies of the impact breccia section (1397 - 1551 m depth) of the Eyreville drill core, Chesapeake Bay impact structure, USA. Geological Society of America. Special Papers, 458, 317-348.
Köberl, C., Bartosova, K., Reimold, W. U., Crasselt, C., Wittmann, A., Powars, D., & Hansen, B. (2009). Petrographic observations on the Exmore breccia, ICDP-USGS Drilling at Eyreville, Chesapeake Bay impact Structure, USA. Geological Society of America. Special Papers, 458, 655-698.
Haloda, J., Tycova, P., Korotev, R., Fernandes, V. A., Burgess, R., Thöni, M., Horschinegg, M., Jakesch, P., Gabzdyl, P., & Kosler, J. (2009). Petrology, Geochemistry, and age of low-Ti mare-basalt meteorite Northeast Africa 003-A: A possible member of the Apollo 15 mare basaltic suite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73, 3450-3470.
Tschegg, C. (2009). Post-depositional surface whitening of ceramic artifacts: alteration mechanisms and consequences. Journal of Archaeological Science, (36), 2155-2161.
McDonald, I., Bartosova, K., & Köberl, C. (2009). Search for a meteoritic component in impact breccia from the Eyreville core, Chesapeake Bay impact structure: Considerations from platinum-group element contents. Geological Society of America. Special Papers, 458, 469-479.
Ferriere, L., Morrow, J. R., & Köberl, C. (2009). Systematic study of universal-stage measurements of planar deformation features in shocked quartz: Implications for statistical significance and representation of results. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 44, 925-940.
Robertson, A. H. F., Parlak, O., & Koller, F. (2009). Tethyan tectonics of the Mediterranean region: Some recent advances. Tectonophysics, 473, 1-3.
Höck, V., Ionescu, C., Balintoni, I., & Koller, F. (2009). The Eastern Carpathians ophiolites (Romania): Remnants of a Triassic Ocean. Lithos, 108, 151-171.
Thöni, M., & Miller, C. (2009). The "Permian event" in the Eastern European Alps: Sm-Nd and P-T data recorded by multi-stage garnet from the Plankogel unit. Chemical Geology, 260, 20-36.
Hein, I., Ntaflos, T., & Tschegg, C. (2009). Thermally triggered two-stage reaction of carbonates and clay during ceramic firing — A case study on Bronze Age Cypriot ceramics. Applied Clay Science, (43), 69-78.
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