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Maier, W. D., & Mundl-Petermeier, A. (2023). Controls on Pt/Pd ratios in Bushveld magmas and cumulates: a review complemented by new W isotope data. Mineralium Deposita, 58(3), 553-568.
Horacek, M., Nieuwoudt, H., Bauer, F. F., Bagheri, B., & Setati, M. E. (2023). Differentiation of Geographic Origin of South African Wines from Austrian Wines by IRMS and SNIF-NMR. Foods, 12(6), Artikel 1175.
Knoll, T., Huet, B., Schuster, R., Mali, H., Ntaflos, T., & Hauzenberger, C. (2023). Lithium pegmatite of anatectic origin – A case study from the Austroalpine Unit Pegmatite Province (Eastern European Alps): Geological data and geochemical modeling. Ore Geology Reviews, 154, Artikel 105298.
Paar, G., Ortner, T., Tate, C., Deen, R. G., Abercrombie, P., Vona, M., Proton, J., Bechtold, A., Calef, F., Barnes, R., Koeberl, C., Herkenhoff, K., Hausrath, E. M., Traxler, C., Caballo, P., Annex, A. M., Gupta, S., Bell, J. F., & Maki, J. (2023). Three-Dimensional Data Preparation and Immersive Mission-Spanning Visualization and Analysis of Mars 2020 Mastcam-Z Stereo Image Sequences. Earth and Space Science, 10(3), Artikel e2022EA002532.
Mišur, I., Balen, D., Klötzli, U., Belak, M., Massonne, H. J., Brlek, M., & Brčić, V. (2023). Petrochronological study of chloritoid schist from Medvednica Mountain (Zagorje Mid-Transdanubian zone, Croatia). Geologia Croatica, 76(1), 13-36.
Viehmann, S., Kujawa, R., Hohl, S. V., Tepe, N., Rodler, A., Hofmann, T., & Draganits, E. (2023). Stromatolitic carbonates from the Middle Miocene of the western Pannonian Basin reflect trace metal availability in microbial habitats during the Badenian Salinity Crisis. Chemical Geology, 618, Artikel 121301.
Coltorti, M., Bonadiman, C., Casetta, F., Faccini, B., Giacomoni, P. P., Pelorosso, B., & Perinelli, C. (2023). Nature and evolution of the northern Victoria Land lithospheric mantle (Antarctica) as revealed by ultramafic xenoliths. in A. P. Martin, & W. V. D. Wal (Hrsg.), The Geochemistry and Geophysics of the Antarctic Mantle (S. 57-82). The Geological Society of London.
Schuster, R., Tiede, L., Ageeva, O., Griffiths, T., Abart, R., & Habler, G. (2023). Microstructure and texture of a spinel corona around a basalt hosted corundum xenocrystal. Journal of Petrology, 64(2), Artikel egac130.
Fathy, D., Abart, R., Wagreich, M., Gier, S., Ahmed, M. S., & Sami, M. (2023). Late Campanian Climatic-Continental Weathering Assessment and Its Influence on Source Rocks Deposition in Southern Tethys, Egypt. Minerals, 13(2), Artikel 160.
Griffiths, T., Habler, G., Ageeva, O., Sutter, C., Ferrière, L., & Abart, R. (2023). The origin of lattice rotation during dendritic crystallization of clinopyroxene. Journal of Petrology, 64(1), 1-19. Artikel egac125.
Casetta, F., Asenbaum, R., Ashchepkov, I., Abart, R., & Ntaflos, T. (2023). Mantle-Derived Cargo vs Liquid Line of Descent: Reconstructing the P-T-fO(2)-X Path of the Udachnaya-East Kimberlite Melts during Ascent in the Siberian Sub-Cratonic Lithosphere. Journal of Petrology, 64(1), Artikel egac122.
Tropper, P., Tribus, M., Pomella, H., & Habler, G. (2023). The metabasites from the Texel Unit (Austroalpine nappe stack): markers of Cretaceous intracontinental subduction and subsequent collision. Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, 116(1), 165-179.
Bauer, H., Rogowitz, A., Habler, G., Grasemann, B., & Decker, K. (2023). Interaction of frictional and plastic deformation mechanisms in a clay-carbonate strike-slip fault (Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria). Journal of Structural Geology, 166, Artikel 104774.
Ali, S., Abart, R., Sayyed, M. I., Hauzenberger, C. A., & Sami, M. (2023). Petrogenesis of the Wadi El-Faliq Gabbroic Intrusion in the Central Eastern Desert of Egypt: Implications for Neoproterozoic Post-Collisional Magmatism Associated with the Najd Fault System. Minerals, 13(1), Artikel 10.
de Graaff, S. J., Ross, C. H., Feignon, J.-G., Kaskes, P., Gulick, S. P. S., Goderis, S., Dehais, T., Debaille, V., Ferriere, L., Koeberl, C., Mattielli, N., Stockli, D. F., & Claeys, P. (2023). The Chicxulub impact structure reveals the first in-situ Jurassic magmatic intrusions of the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico. Lithos, 436-437, Artikel 106953.
Xu, W., Li, H., Hameed, Y., Abdel-Maksoud, M. A., Almutairi, S. M., Mubarak, A., Aufy, M., Alturaiki, W., Alshalani, A. J., Mahmoud, A. M., & Li, C. (2023). Elucidating the clinical and immunological value of m6A regulator-mediated methylation modification patterns in adrenocortical carcinoma. Oncology Research, 31(5), 819-831.
Koeberl, C. (2023). Impact Cratering: The Impact of Visualization on Science and Outreach. in A. Vendl, & M. R. Fröschl (Hrsg.), Doors to Hidden Worlds: The Power of Visualization in Science, Media, and Art (S. 172-191). De Gruyter.
Baragona, A. J., Bauerová, P., & Rodler, A. S. (2023). Imperial Styles, Frontier Solutions: Roman Wall Painting Technology in the Province of Noricum. in V. Bokan Bosiljkov, A. Padovnik, & T. Turk (Hrsg.), Conservation and Restoration of Historic Mortars and Masonry Structures (S. 3-17). Springer.
Fragnoli, P., & Rodler, A. S. (2022). Archaeometric and technological investigations of the late Bronze Age painted pottery from Arslantepe (Malatya, Eastern Türkiye). in Late Bronze Age Painted Pottery Traditions at the Margins of the Hittite State: Papers Presented at a Workshop Held at the 11th ICAANE (München 4 April 2018) and Additional Contributions (S. 233-247). Archaeopress.
Lanzafame, G., Giacomoni, P. P., Casetta, F., Mancini, L., Iezzi, G., Coltorti, M., & Ferlito, C. (2022). Degassing, Crystallization and Rheology of Hawaiitic Lava Flows: the Case of the 1669 AD Eruption of Mount Etna (Italy). Journal of Petrology, 63(12), Artikel egac115.
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