Peer-reviewed Publications of the Department
Showing entries 261 - 280 out of 882
Patel, V., Sheth, H., Cucciniello, C., Joshi, G. W., Wegner, W., Samant, H., Sen, B., & Koeberl, C. (2020). Geochemistry of Deccan Tholeiite Flows and Dykes of Elephanta Island: Insights into the Stratigraphy and Structure of the Panvel Flexure Zone, Western Indian Rifted Margin. Geosciences, 10(4), Article 118.
Schuster, R., Habler, G., Schafler, E., & Abart, R. (2020). Intragranular deformation mechanisms in calcite deformed by high-pressure torsion at room temperature. Mineralogy and Petrology, 114(2), 105–118.
Bechtold, B., De Bonis, A., Gassner, V., Rizzo, M., Sauer, R., Serritella, A., Vassallo, S., & Ntaflos, T. (2020). 5th-century BC Himera and the Campanian Connection: Petrographic and Archaeological Studies on Western Greek Amphorae from Poseidonia and Elea Unearthed in the Necropolis of Himera. Minerals, 10(3), Article 227.
Rezvukhin, D., Alifirova, T. A., Golovin, A., & Korsakov, A. (2020). A Plethora of Epigenetic Minerals Reveals a Multistage Metasomatic Overprint of a Mantle Orthopyroxenite from the Udachnaya Kimberlite. Minerals, 10(3), Article 264.
Pittarello, L., Fritz, J., Roszjar, J., Lenz, C., Chanmuang Nasdala, C., & Koeberl, C. (2020). Partial amorphization of experimentally shocked plagioclase: A spectroscopic study. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 55(3), 669-678.
Tulić, S., Waitz, T., Romanyuk, O., Varga, M., Čaplovičová, M., Habler, G., Vretenár, V., Kotlár, M., Kromka, A., Rezek, B., & Skákalová, V. (2020). Ni-mediated reactions in nanocrystalline diamond on Si substrates: The role of the oxide barrier. RSC Advances , 10(14), 8224-8232.
Kovaleva, E., Huber, M. S., Habler, G., & Zamyatin, D. A. (2020). Zircon Microstructures Record Deformation History of Shock- and Tectonically-generated Pseudotachylites: a Case Study from the Vredefort Impact Structure, South Africa. Journal of Petrology, 60.
Mundl-Petermeier, A., Walker, R. J., Fischer, R. A., Lekic, V., Jackson, M. G., & Kurz, M. D. (2020). Anomalous 182W in high 3He/4He ocean island basalts: Fingerprints of Earth's core? Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 271, 194-211.
Goderis, S., Soens, B., Huber, M. S., McKibbin, S., van Ginneken, M., Van Maldeghem, F., Debaille, V., Greenwood, R. C., Franchi, I. A., Cnudde, V., Van Malderen, S., Vanhaecke, F., Koeberl, C., Topa, D., & Claeys, P. (2020). Cosmic spherules from Widerøefjellet, Sør Rondane Mountains (East Antarctica). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 270, 112-143.
Schulz, T., Povinec, P. P., Ferrière, L., Jull, T. A. J., Kovacik, A., Sykora, I., Tusch, J., Muenker, C., Topa, D., & Koeberl, C. (2020). The history of the Tissint meteorite, from its crystallization on Mars to its exposure in space: New geochemical, isotopic, and cosmogenic nuclide data. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 55(2), 294-311.
Schulz, T., Sackl, F., Fragner, E., Luguet, A., van Acken, D., Abate, B., Badjukov, D. D., & Koeberl, C. (2020). The Zhamanshin impact structure, Kazakhstan: A comparative geochemical study of target rocks and impact glasses. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 268, 209-229.
Kovács, J., Németh, K., Szabó, P., Kocsis, L., Kereszturi, G., Újvári, G., & Vennemann, T. (2020). Volcanism and paleoenvironment of the pula maar complex: A pliocene terrestrial fossil site in Central Europe (Hungary). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 537, Article 109398.
Harangi, S., Molnár, K., Schmitt, A. K., Dunkl, I., Seghedi, I., Novothny, Á., Molnár, M., Kiss, B., Ntaflos, T., Mason, P. R. D., & Lukács, R. (2020). Fingerprinting the Late Pleistocene tephras of Ciomadul volcano, eastern–central Europe. Journal of Quaternary Science, 35(1-2), 232-244. Article 232-244.
Jackson, M. G., Blichert-Toft, J., Halldórsson, S. A., Mundl-Petermeier, A., Bizimis, M., Kurz, M. D., Price, A. A., Harðardóttir, S., Willhite, L. N., Breddam, K., Becker, T. W., & Fischer, R. A. (2020). Ancient helium and tungsten isotopic signatures preserved in mantle domains least modified by crustal recycling. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 117(49), 30993–31001.
Oluyede, K., & Klötzli, U. (2020). Syn-collisional pan-African granite in the northern part Birnin Gwari schist belt in NW Nigeria. International Journal of Advanced Geosciences, 8(2), 197-213.
Mazhari, S. A., Kloetzli, U., & Safari, M. (2020). U-Pb geochronology, petrogenesis and tectonomagmatic evolution of uppermost Neoproterozoic- lower Cambrian intrusive rocks in Kaboodan area, NE of Iran. International Geology Review, 62(16), 1971-1987.
Creech, J. B., Moynier, F., & Koeberl, C. (2019). Volatile loss under a diffusion-limited regime in tektites: Evidence from tin stable isotopes. Chemical Geology, 528, Article 119279.
Milojevic, T., Koelbl, D., Ferriere, L., Albu, M., Kish, A., Flemming, R. L., Koeberl, C., Blazevic, A., Zebec, Z., Rittmann, S. K.-M. R., Schleper, C., Pignitter, M., Somoza, V., Schimak, M. P., & Rupert, A. N. (2019). Exploring the microbial biotransformation of extraterrestrial material on nanometer scale. Scientific Reports, 9(1), Article 18028.
Mazhari, S. A., Klötzli, U., & Safari, M. (2019). Petrological investigation of Late Cretaceous magmatism in Kaboodan area, NE Iran: Evidence for an active continental arc at Sabzevar zone. Lithos, 348-349, Article 105183.
Showing entries 261 - 280 out of 882