Friedrich Koller, Ao. Univ. Prof. Dr., i.R.
Friedrich Koller, Ao. Univ. Prof. Dr., i.R.
Room: 2B247
Tel.: +43-1-4277-53285
Publications (2000-2009)
ROBERTSON, A.H.F., PARLAK, O., KOLLER, F. (2009): Tethyan tectonics of the Mediterranean region: Some recent advances. - Tectonophysics, 473, 1-3.
RIZAOĞLU, T., PARLAK, O., HÖCK, V., KOLLER, F., HAMES, W.E., BILLOR, Z. (2009): Andean-type active margin formation in the eastern Taurides: Geochemical and geochronogical evidence from the Baskil granitoid (Elaziğ, SE Turkey). - Tectonophysics, 473, 188-207.
KOLLER, F., GÖTZINGER, M.A. (2009): Der Ultramafititkomplex von Steinbach. - In: Goetzinger, M.A., Huber, P.(Eds.): Die Mineralien des Burgenlandes; Wiss. Arbeiten aus dem Burgenland (WAB) Band 126 (ISBN 978-3-85405-169-5), 116-119.
KOLLER, F. (2009): Bernstein und die Rodingite in den Serpentiniten. - In: Goetzinger, M.A., Huber, P.(Eds.): Die Mineralien des Burgenlandes; Wiss. Arbeiten aus dem Burgenland (WAB) Band 126 (ISBN 978-3-85405-169-5), 120-123.
BRANDSTÄTTER, F., SEEMANN, R., HAMMER, V.M.S, BERGER, A., KOLLER, F., STEHLIK, H. (2008): Über den Fund eines ungewöhnlichen “Fulgurit”-Objekts bei Kaltenbach, Gemeinde Vitis, Niederösterreich, Österreich. - Annalen Naturhist. Mus. Wien, 110A, 1-16.
HOECK, V., IONESCU, C., BALINTONI, I., KOLLER, F. (2009): The Eastern Carpathians ophiolites (Romania): Remnants of a Triassic Ocean. - Lithos, 108, 151-171.
IONESCU, C., HOECK, V., TOMEK, C., KOLLER, F.BALINTONI, I., BEŞUŢIU, L. (2009): New insights into the basement of the Transylvanian depression (Romania). - Lithos, 108, 172-191.
REIMANN, C., FLEM, B., ARNOLDUSSEN, A., ENGLMAIER, P., FINNE, T.E., KOLLER, F., NORDGULEN, Ø. (2008): Reply to the comments on "The biosphere: A homogenizer of Pb-isotope signals" by Gaël Le Roux, Jeroen Sonke, Christophe Cloquet, Dominique Aubert, and François de Vleeschouwer. - Appl. Geochem., 23, 2793-2798.
REIMANN, C., FLEM, B., ARNOLDUSSEN, A., ENGLMAIER, P., FINNE, T.E., KOLLER, F., NORDGULEN, Ø. (2008): Reply to the comments on “The biosphere: A homogeniser of Pb-isotope signals” by Richard Bindler and William Shotyk. - Appl. Geochem., 23, 2527-2535.
KOLLER, F. (2008): Die gabbroiden Gesteine im Grobgneiskomplex der Buckligen Welt. - In: FUCHS, G., HERRMANN, P., PAHR, A., SCHNABEL, W. (Eds.): Erläuterungen zu Blatt 106 Aspang-Markt, Geologische Karte der Republik Österrreich 1:50000. - Geol. Bundesanstalt, ISBN 978-3385316-042-8, 20.
REIMANN, C., FLEM, B., ARNOLDUSSEN, A., ENGLMAIER, P., FINNE, T.E., KOLLER, F., NORDGULEN, Ø. (2008): The biosphere: a homogeniser of Pb-isotope signals. - Appl. Geochem., 23, 705-722.
REIMANN, C., OTTESEN, R.T., ANDERSSON, M., ARNOLDUSSEN, A., KOLLER, F., ENGLMAIER, P. (2008): Element levels in birch and spruce wood ashes - green energy?. - The Science of the Total Environment 393, 191-197.
BOUSQUET, R., OBERHÄNSLI, R., GOFFÉ, B., WIEDERKEHR, M., KOLLER, F., SCHMID, S.M., SCHUSTER, R., ENGI, M., BERGER, A., MARTINOTTI, G. (2008): Metamorphism of metasediments at the scale of an orogen: a key to the Tertiary geodynamic evolution of the Alps. - In: Siegesmund, S., Fügenschuh, B., Froitzheim, N. (Eds.): Tectonic Aspects of the Alpine-Dinaride-Carpathian System. - Geological Society London, Spec. Publ. 298, 393-411.
BREITER, K., KOLLER, F., SCHARBERT, S., SIEBEL, W., ŠKODA, R., FRANK, W. (2007): Two-mica granites of the Plechý (Plöckenstein) Pluton in the Triple-Point Area (Trojmezí, Dreiländereck) of Austria, the Czech Republic, and Germany. - Jb. Geol. B.-A., 147, 527-544.
KOLLER, F., SCHUSTER, R., HOINKES, G. (2007): Metamorphose der Ostalpen. - In: Hofmann T., Schönlaub H.P. (Eds.) Geo-Atlas Österreich, Böhlau Ges.m.b.H., Wien-Köln-Weimar, ISBN 978-3-205-77726-7, 60-61.
REIMANN, C., ARNOLDUSSEN, A., FINNE, T.E., KOLLER, F., NORDGULEN, O., ENGLMAIER, P. (2007): Element contents in birch leaves, bark and wood under different antropogenicand geogenic conditions. - Appl. Geochemistry, 22, 1549-1566.
DEMÉNY, A., VENNEMANN, T.W., KOLLER, F. (2007): Stable isotope compositions of the Penninic ophiolites of the Kőszeg-Rechnitz series. - Central European Geology, 50, 29-46.KOLLER, F. (2007): Unterkohlstätten: “Bündner Schiefer” wie in den Tauern. - In: Hofmann, T. (Editor): Wanderungen in der Erdgeschichte (22) Wien, Niederösterreich, Burgenland, Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, München, 189.
KOLLER, F., HOFMANN, T. (2007): Bernstein: Ein Chloritschiefer als “Edelserpentin”. - In: Hofmann, T. (Editor): Wanderungen in der Erdgeschichte (22) Wien, Niederösterreich, Burgenland, Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, München, 187-188.
KOLLER, F., PAHR, A. (2007): Kanitzriegel: Der Serpentinitsteinbruch “Bienenhütte” - In: Hofmann, T. (Editor): Wanderungen in der Erdgeschichte (22) Wien, Niederösterreich, Burgenland, Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, München, 188-189.
KOLLER, F., PAHR, A. (2007): Steinbach: Serpentinite und Rodingite aus dem Erdmantel. - In: Hofmann, T. (Editor): Wanderungen in der Erdgeschichte (22) Wien, Niederösterreich, Burgenland, Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, München, 185.
KOLLER, F., BRUGGER, J., GARTNER, F., HOFER, G., HOFER, H., SEEMANN, R. (2007): Weltfundstelle Knappenwand, Österreichs berühmtestes Mineralvor-kommen. - extraLapis No. 32: Pinzgau, 62-67.
REIMANN, C., ARNOLDUSSEN, A., ROGNVALD, B., FINNE., T.E., KOLLER, F., NORDGULEN, Ø., ENGLMAIER, P. (2007): Element contents in leaves of four plant species (birch, mountain ash, fern and spruce) along antropogenic and geogenic concentration gradients. - Science of Total Environment, 377, 416-433.
REIMANN, C., ARNOLDUSSEN, A., ENGLMAIER, P., FILZMOSER, P., FINNE., T.E., GARRETT, R.G., KOLLER, F., NORDGULEN, Ø. (2007): Element concentrations and variations along a 120-km transect in southern Norway - Antropogenenic vs. geogenic vs. biogenic element sources and cycles. - Applied Geochemistry, 22, 851-871.
RICE, A.H., HABLER, G., CARRUPT, E., COTZA, G., WIESMAYR, G., SCHUSTER, R., SÖVA, H., THÖNI, M., KOLLER, F. (2007): Textural Sector-Zoning in Garnet: Theoretical Patterns and Natural Examples from Alpine Metamorphic Rocks. - Austrian J. of Earth Sciences, 99, 70-89.
HOECK, V., IONESCU, C., KOLLER, F. (2006): Do the eastern Carpathians ophiolites originate from the Vardar ocean. - Proceedings of Mesozoic ophiolite belts of northern part of the Balkan Peninsula, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (COBISS . SR - ID 130953484), 49-52.
KOLLER, F., HOECK, V., IONESCU, C., ONUZI, K. 2006): Cumulates and gabbros in southern Albanian ophiolites. - Proceedings of Mesozoic ophiolite belts of northern part of the Balkan Peninsula, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (COBISS . SR - ID 130953484), 62-66.
RIZAOGLU, T., PARLAK, O., KOLLER, F., HOECK, V., ISLER, F. (2006): Geochemistry & tectonic significance of late Cretaceous ophiolitic and granitoid rocks of the eastern Taurides (Elazig, SE Turkey). - Proceedings of Mesozoic ophiolite belts of northern part of the Balkan Peninsula, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (COBISS . SR - ID 130953484), 116-119.
KOLLER, F., HOECK, V., MEISEL, T., IONESCU, C., ONUZI, K., GHEGA, D. (2006): Cumulates and gabbros in southern Albanian ophiolites: their bearing on regional tectonic setting. - In: Robertson A.H.F. & MOUNTRAKIS, D. (Eds.): Tectonic Development on the Eastern Mediterranean Region. - Geol. Soc. London. Spec. Publications, 260, 267-299.
BRUGGER, J., GARTNER, F., HOFER, G., HOFER, H., KOLLER, F., SEEMANN, R. (2005): 140 Jahre Knappenwand-Epidote: Achatträume, Mineralientage München, Messethemenheft 2005, 177-185.BREITER, K. NOVÁK, M., F. KOLLER, CEMPÍREK, J. (2005): Phosporus - an omnipresent minor element in garnet of diverse textural types from leucogratic granitic rocks. - Mineralogy & Petrology, 85, 205-221.
BUDA, G., KOLLER, F., ULRYCH, J. (2004): Petrochemistry of Variscan granitoids of Central Europe: Correlation of Variscan granitoids of the Tisia and Pelsonia Terrannes with granitoids of the Moldanubicum, Western Carpathian and Southern Alps. A Review: Part I. - Acta Geologica Hungarica, Vol. 47/2-3, 117-138.
KATONGO, K., KOLLER, F., KLOETZLI, U., KOEBERL, C., TEMBO, F., De WAELE, B. (2004): Petrography, geochemistry and geochronology of key granitoid rocks in the Neoproterozoic-Paleozoic Fufilian-Zambesi belt, Zambia: implications for tectonic setting and regional correlation. - J. African Earth Sciences, 40, 219-244.
BUDA, G., KOLLER, F., KOVÁCS, J., ULRYCH, J. (2004): Compositional variations of biotite from Variscan granitoids in Central Europe: a statistical evaluation. - Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica, Szeged 2004, Vol. 45/1, 21-37.
GOSSO, G., ENGI, M., KOLLER, F., LARDEAUX, J.M., OBERHAENSLI, R., SPALLA, M.I. (2004): Thermo-mechanical evolution of the Alpine Belt, from the Engadine Window to the Matterhorn. - 32nd IGC Florence 2004, Field Trip Guide Book - B29, 52p.
GOSSO, G., ENGI, M., KOLLER, F., LARDEAUX, J.M., OBERHAENSLI, R., SPALLA, M.I. (2004): Introduction. - In: GOSSO, G., ENGI, M., KOLLER, F., LARDEAUX, J.M., OBERHAENSLI, SPALLA, M.I. (2004): Thermo-mechanical evolution of the Alpine Belt, from the Engadine Window to the Matterhorn. - 32nd IGC Florence 2004, Field Trip Guide Book - B29, 1-8.
T, R., BERTLE, R., GOFFÉ, B., HOECK, V., KOLLER, F., OBERHAENSLI, R. (2004): Days 3-4: The Engadine Window at the border of the eastern Alps. - In: GOSSO, G., ENGI, M., KOLLER, F., LARDEAUX, J.M., OBERHAENSLI, R., SPALLA, M.I. (2004): Thermo-mechanical evolution of the Alpine Belt, from the Engadine Window to the Matterhorn. - 32nd IGC Florence 2004, Field Trip Guide Book - B29, 17-19.
HOECK, V., KOLLER, F., BERTLE, R., BOUSQUET, R. (2004): Fimber unit and the Idalm ophiolite (South Pennic unit, Lower Engadine Window; Austria-Switzerland. - In: GOSSO, G., ENGI, M., KOLLER, F., LARDEAUX, J.M., OBERHAENSLI, R., SPALLA, M.I. (2004): Thermo-mechanical evolution of the Alpine Belt, from the Engadine Window to the Matterhorn. - 32nd IGC Florence 2004, Field Trip Guide Book - B29, 19-21.
KOLLER, F., HÖCK, V., BOUSQUET, R. (2004): Part 1: Trip from the Viderjoch to Pardatschgrat. - In: GOSSO, G., ENGI, M., KOLLER, F., LARDEAUX, J.M., OBERHAENSLI, R., SPALLA, M.I. (2004): Thermo-mechanical evolution of the Alpine Belt, from the Engadine Window to the Matterhorn. - 32nd IGC Florence 2004, Field Trip Guide Book - B29, 21-22
BOUSQUET, R., BERTLE, R., GOFFÉ, B., KOLLER, F., OBERHAENSLI, R. (2004): Day 4: HP/LT metamorphism within the North Penninic ocean (Lower Engadine Window; Austria-Switzerland). - In: GOSSO, G., ENGI, M., KOLLER, F., LARDEAUX, J.M., OBERHAENSLI, R., SPALLA, M.I. (2004): Thermo-mechanical evolution of the Alpine Belt, from the Engadine Window to the Matterhorn. - 32nd IGC Florence 2004, Field Trip Guide Book - B29, 22-27.
HOECK, V., KOLLER, F., ONUZI, K. (2004): Days 5-6: The Ophiolites in Southern Albania. - In: MECO, S, SINOJMERI, A. (2004): Geological setting of Albanian ophiolitic belt (Albania). - 32nd IGC Florence 2004, Field Trip Guide Book - P71, 48p.
ERTL, A., SCHUSTER, R., PROWATKE, S., BRANDSTÄTTER, F., BERNHARD, H.-J., KOLLER, F., HUGHES, J.M. (2004): Mn-rich tourmaline and Mn-rich fluorapatite in a topaz- and cassiterite-bearing Variscan pegmatite from Eibenstein an der Thaya, Lower Austria. - EJM, Vol. 16, 545-550.BUDA, Gy., KOLLER, F., KOVÁCS, J., ULRICH, J. (2004): Compositinal variations of biotite from Variscan granitoids in central Europe: a statistical evaluation. - Acta Min. Petr. Szeged., 44, 19-30.
SCHUSTER, R., KOLLER, F., HOECK, V., HOINKES, G., BOUSQUET, R. (2004): Explanatory notes to the map: Metamorphic structures of the Alps. Metamorphic evolution of the Eastern Alps. - Mitt. Österr. Miner. Ges. 149, 175-199.GRUNDMANN, G., KOLLER, F. (2003): Exkursion: Das Smaragdbergwerk im Habachtal, Land Salzburg, Österreich. - Mitt. Österr. Miner. Ges., 148, 317-343.
KOLLER, F., PESTAL, G. (2003): Die ligurischen Ophiolite der Tarntaler Berge und der Matreier Zone. - Geol. Bundesanst. Arbeitstagung´03 Blatt 148 “Brenner” (ISBN-3-85316-18-2), 65-76.
REIMANN, C., KOLLER, F., FRENGSTAD, B., KASHULINA, G., NISKAKAARA, H., ENGLMAIER, P. (2002): Total sulphur in leaves of several plant species from nine catchments within a 1,500,000 km2 area in Northern Europe: local vs. regional variability. - Geochemisty, Exploration, Environment, Analysis 3; 205-215.
SEEMANN, R., KOLLER, F. (2002): Cave Water and Karst Hydrology. - In: Al Hoti Cave System - Tourismus- and Research Projekt “Detailed Design” October 2002. - Museum of Natural History, Vienna, Austria; Werkstatt Wien; Oman Geo-Consultants, Sultanat of Oman, Triad Oman Consultants international, Sultanat of Oman, 152 S, 28-36.
KLÖTZLI, U.S., KOLLER, F., SCHARBERT, S., HÖCK, V. (2002): Cadomian lower crustal contributions to a Variscan granite genesis (South Bohemian Pluton, Austria): a reply. - J. Petrology, 43, 1783-1786.
MELCHER, F., MEISEL, T., PUHL, J., KOLLER, F. (2002): Petrogenesis and geotectonic setting of ultramafic rocks in the Eastern Alps: constraints from geochemistry. - Lithos 65, 69-112.
HOECK, V., KOLLER, F., MEISEL, T., ONUZI, K., KNERINGER, E., (2002): The South Albanien Ophiolites: MOR vs. SSZ Ophiolites. - Lithos, 143-164.
HOECK, V., TOMEK, C., ROBERTSON, A., KOLLER, F. (2002): Preface: Europrobe-Pancardi Symposium “Eastern Mediterranean ophiolites: Magmatic Processes and Geodynamic Implications. - Lithos, ix-xiii.
ENGLER, A., KOLLER, F., MEISL, T., QUÉMENÉUR, J.J. (2002): Evolution of the Archean/Proterozoic crust in the Southern São Francisco Craton near Perdões, Minas Gerais, Brazil: petrological and geochemical constraints. - J. South American Earth Sciences 15, 709-723.
LUKÁCS, R., CZUPPON, G., HARANGI, S., SZABÓ, C., NTAFLOS, T., KOLLER, F. (2002): Silicate melt inclusions in ignimbrites, Bükkalja Volcanic Field, Northern Hungary - texture and geochemistry. - Acta Geologica Hungarica, Vol. 54/4, 341-358.
HOLUB, F.V., MATĚJKA, D., KOLLER, F. (2002): Final Report Aktion project 32p27 Mafic to intermediate rocks: are they the key to genesis of the South Bohemian Batholith?. - Unpublished report, 19S.
KLÖTZLI, U.S., KOLLER, F., SCHARBERT, S., HÖCK, V. (2001): Cadomian lower crustal contributions to a Variscan granite genesis (South Bohemian Pluton, Austria): Constraints from zircon geochronology and whole-rock, feldspar Pb-Sr isotope systematics. - J. Petrology, 42, 1621 - 1642.
REIMANN, C., KOLLER, F., KASHULINA, G., NISKAKAARA, H., ENGLMAIER, P. (2001): Influence of extreme pollution on inorganic chemical composition of some plants. - Environmental Pollution, 115, 239 - 252.
REIMANN, C., KOLLER, F., FRENGSTAD, B., KASHULINA, G., NISKAKAARA, H., ENGLMAIER, P. (2001): Comparison of the element composition in several plant species and their substrate from a 1,500,000 km2-area in Northern Europa. - The Science of the Total Environment, 278, 87 - 112.
KEBEDE, T., KOEBERL, C., KOLLER, F. (2001): Magmatic evolution of the Suqii-Gagga two-mica granite, WALLAGGA area, western Ethiopia. - J. African Earth Sciences, 32, 193 - 221.
SIKAZWE, O.N., KOLLER, F., ABART, R., TEMBO. F. (2001): Petrography, geochemistry and probably genesis of the Lewis and Marie copper sulfide deposits, Mumbwa district, central Zambia. - Proterozoic Base Metal Deposits of Africa and South America, IGCP 450, I Field workshop, Conselho National de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico, Belo Horizonte, Brasilien, 95 - 97.
KOLLER, F. (2001): Low T - high P metamorphism in the Tarntal mountains (Lower Austroalpine Unit). - In: ORTNER, H. (Ed.): 5th Workshop of Alpine Geological Studies, Obergurgl, Tyrol, Austria. Field Trip Guide Book. - Institut für Geologie and Paleontologie, Universität Innsbruck, 77 - 89
HEINRICH, M., HERRMANN, P., HOFMANN, T., KOLLER, F., KOLLMANN, W.F.H., LENHARDT, A., PAHR, A., PILLER, W., SCHERMANN, O., SCHOENLAUB, H.P. (Edt.), BELOCKY, R., SEIBERL, W., WALACH, ZORN, I. (2000): Geologie des Burgenlandes. Erläuterungen zur Geologischen Karte des Burgenlandes 1 : 200.000. - Geol. B.-A. Wien, 130p.
Editorials (2000-2009):
Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, Band 155, 370 S., (gemeinsam mit A. Beran, R. Tessadri) - Wien 2009.
Tectonophysics, 473, 1-2, 282 S., Special Issue: Tethyan tectonics of the Mediterranean region: some recent advances (gemeinsam mit A.H.F. Roberson, O. Parlak, F. Koller) - Elsevier 2009.
Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, Band 154, 187 S., (gemeinsam mit A. Beran, R. Tessadri) - Wien 2008.
Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, Band 153, 357 S., (gemeinsam mit A. Beran, R. Tessadri) - Wien 2007.
Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, Band 152, 87 S., (gemeinsam mit A. Beran, R. Tessadri) - Wien 2006.
Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, Band 151, 224 S., (gemeinsam mit A. Beran, R. Tessadri, und J.G. Raith als Gasteditor) - Wien 2005.
Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, Band 150, 279 S., (gemeinsam mit R. Tessadri) - Wien 2005.
Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, Band 149, 306 S., (gemeinsam mit A. Beran, R. Tessadri, und R. Oberhänsli als Gasteditor) - Wien 2004.
Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, Band 148, 467 S., (gemeinsam mit A. Beran, R. Tessadri) - Wien 2003.
Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, Band 147, 122 S., (gemeinsam mit A. Beran, R. Tessadri) - Wien 2002.
Lithos, 65, 1-2, 260 S., Special Issue: Eastern Mediterrranean Ophiolites: Magmatic Processes and Geodynamic Implications (gemeinsam mit V. Hoeck, A.H.F. Robertson, F. Koller, C. Tomek) - Elsevier 2002.
Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, Band 146, 515 S., (gemeinsam mit A. Beran, R. Tessadri) - Wien 2001.
Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, Band 145, 113 S., (gemeinsam mit A. Beran, R. Tessadri) - Wien 2000.
Book reviews and exhibitions(2000-2009):
Frater, H.: Landschaftsformen (Unsere Erde im Wandel - den gestaltenden Kräften auf der Spur). - Mitt. Österr. Miner. Ges., 151, 209, (2005).
Markl, G.: Minerale und Gesteine (Eigenschaften - Bildung - Untersuchungen). - Mitt. Österr. Miner. Ges., 151, 211, (2005).
Okrusch, M., Matthes, S.: Mineralogie - Eine Einführung in die spezielle Mineralogie, Petrologie und Gesteinskunde. - Mitt. Österr. Miner. Ges., 151, 212, (2005).
Sonderausstellung “140 Jahre Epidotfundstelle Knappenwand”: Museum Bramberg “Wilhelmgut” 17. 6. 2005 - 23. 10. 2005 (gemeinsam mit R. Seemann, NHM Wien).
Ausstellung “140 Jahre Knappenwand-Epidote” Mineralientage München 2005: 28. 10. 2005 - 30. 10. 2005 (gemeinsam mit R. Seemann, NHM Wien).