Mag. Dr. Gerlinde Habler
T: +43-1-4277-53475

Joachim-Mrosko, B., Konzett, J., Ludwig, T., Griffiths, T., Habler, G., Libowitzky, E., & Stalder, R. (2023). Al and H incorporation and Al-diffusion in natural rutile and its high-pressure polymorph TiO2 (II). In V. V. Schijndel, K. Cutts, I. Pereira, M. Guitreau, S. Volante, & M. Tedeschi (Eds.), Minor Minerals, Major Implications: Using Key Mineral Phases to Unravel the Formation and Evolution of Earth's Crust (pp. 123-147). The Geological Society of London.

Bian, G., Ageeva, O., Kovacs, A., Habler, G., & Abart, R. (2023). Evolution history of plagioclase hosted Fe-Ti oxides micro-inclusions from oceanic gabbros. Paper presented at MinWien2023, Wien, Austria. Advance online publication.

Kohn, V., Griffiths, T., Libowitzky, E., Ageeva, O., Abart, R., & Habler, G. (2023). Petrogenetic information stored in needle-shaped rutile inclusions in pegmatoid garnet. Paper presented at MinWien2023, Wien, Austria. Advance online publication.

Ageeva, O., Bian, G., Habler, G., & Abart, R. (2023). Plagioclase hosted magnetite micro-inclusions from oceanic gabbro: shape orientation and implication for bulk magnetic properties. Paper presented at MinWien2023, Wien, Austria. Advance online publication.

Chanmuang N., C., Nasdala, L., Habler, G., Mader, D., Tait, K., & Wiedenbeck, M. (2022). Comparison of hyperspectral mapping of zircon with other imaging techniques. In Online abstracts (pp. 260-261)

Mag. Dr. Gerlinde Habler
Department of Lithospheric Research
Josef--Holaubek-Platz 2Josef--Holaubek-Pla
Josef-Holaubek-Platz 2 / UZA2B328, 1090 Vienna, Austria
T: +43-1-4277-53475

Research interests

• Microstructure and texture formation in metamorphic rocks
• Mechanisms of mineral reactions
• Interaction of metamorphic reactions and deformation
• Host – mineral inclusion systems
• Crystallographic orientation relations
• Microstructure and texture analysis by electron beam microanalytical methods
• Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Focused Ion Beam (FIB) Applications
• Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) in SEM
• Geology and petrology of natural metamorphic rocks
• Correlation of petrological, structural and geochronological data
• Inferring P-T-t-d paths of natural metamorphic rocks
• Geology of crystalline basement units of the European Eastern Alps


Senior Scientist

Department of Lithospheric Research

University of Vienna


15 Sept 2011 → present

Academic third-party funded project staff

Department of Lithospheric Research

University of Vienna


15 Aug 200614 Sept 2011

External lecturer

Department of Geology

University of Vienna


1 Sept 200729 Feb 2008

Duties and Responsibilities

• Head of Department of Lithospheric Research
• Senior Scientist
• Labmanager of the FIB-FESEM Laboratory
• Teaching
• Representative of DfL 'Mittelbau'-Staff in Faculty Council


GInA: Mineral inclusions in garnet: nanostructure-texture-genesis

Habler, G., Rečnik, A., Alifirova, T., Kohn, V., Griffiths, T., Abart, R., Ageeva, O., Daneu, N., Dražić, G. & Komelj, M.


The influence of defect structures at reaction interfaces and shear-deformation on reaction rim growth kinetics in the MgO-Al2O3 system

Habler, G., Abart, R., Li, C., Griffiths, T. & Tiede, L.


Mineral reactions and deformation in host-inclusion settings

Habler, G., Grasemann, B., Abart, R., Griffiths, T., Eberlei, T., Kovaleva, E. & Rogowitz, A.


Tectonometamorphism in the hanging wall of extruding rocks

Habler, G. & Thöni, M.


EBSD analysis of geomaterials: identifying key targets for the application of new technologies

Thomas Griffiths (Invited speaker) & Gerlinde Habler (Contributor)

23 Oct 2024

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

High resolution STEm imaging of individual quantum centers in diamond

Elina Harriet Ahlgren (Speaker), Diana Propst (Contributor), Marian Varga (Contributor), Gerlinde Habler (Contributor), Viera Skakalova (Contributor) & Jani Kotakoski (Contributor)

11 Sept 2023

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

High resolution STEM imaging of individual quantum centers in diamond

Elina Harriet Ahlgren (Speaker), Diana Propst (Contributor), Marian Varga (Contributor), Gerlinde Habler (Contributor), Thomas Waitz (Contributor), Viera Skakalova (Contributor) & Jani Kotakoski (Contributor)

10 Sept 202315 Sept 2023

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Nanoinclusions in apparently inclusion-free sector-zoned pegmatoid garnet – their impact on P, Ti and Na concentrations

Victoria Kohn (Speaker), Taisia Alifirova (Contributor), Nina Daneu (Contributor), Thomas Griffiths (Contributor), Rainer Abart (Contributor) & Gerlinde Habler (Contributor)

30 Apr 2023

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

What is the cause of lattice rotation in clinopyroxene dendrites?

Thomas Griffiths (Speaker), Gerlinde Habler (Contributor), Olga Ageeva (Contributor), Christoph Sutter (Contributor), Ludovic Ferrière (Contributor) & Rainer Abart (Contributor)

26 Apr 2023

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

STEM image simulations of quantum centers in diamond

Diana Propst (Speaker), Elina Harriet Ahlgren (Contributor), Viera Skakalova (Contributor), Thomas Waitz (Contributor), Gerlinde Habler (Contributor), Marian Varga (Contributor) & Jani Kotakoski (Contributor)

13 Apr 2023

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Petrogenetic information stored in needle-shaped rutile inclusions in pegmatoid garnet

Victoria Kohn (Speaker), Thomas Griffiths (Contributor), Eugen Libowitzky (Contributor), Olga Ageeva (Contributor), Rainer Abart (Contributor) & Gerlinde Habler (Contributor)


Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

STEM analysis of (100) and (111) sectors in a natural loparite(-Ce) crystal

Nina Daneu (Speaker), Gerlinde Habler (Contributor) & José Alberto Padrón-Navarta (Contributor)


Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

The compositions of coherent exsolution lamellae in alkali feldspar measured with atom probe tomography

David Andreas Heuser (Speaker), Renelle Dubosq (Contributor), Ge Bian (Contributor), Gerlinde Habler (Contributor), Elena Petrishcheva (Contributor), Baptiste Gault (Contributor), Christian Lengauer (Contributor), Christian Rentenberger (Contributor) & Rainer Abart (Contributor)


Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Studying the nature, variability and relative frequencies of crystallographic and shape orientation relationships between TiO2 inclusions and their garnet host crystal

Gerlinde Habler (Speaker), Victoria Kohn (Contributor), Thomas Griffiths (Contributor), Taisia Alifirova (Contributor) & Nina Daneu (Contributor)

22 Sept 2022

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science


Victoria Kohn (Speaker), Thomas Griffiths (Contributor), Taisia Alifirova (Contributor), Nina Daneu (Contributor), Rainer Abart (Contributor) & Gerlinde Habler (Contributor)

12 Sept 2022

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Atomic scale structure of garnet-rutile interfaces in host-inclusion systems

Taisia Alifirova (Speaker), Nina Daneu (Contributor), Victoria Kohn (Contributor), Thomas Griffiths (Contributor), Aleksander Rečnik (Contributor) & Gerlinde Habler (Contributor)

21 Jul 2022

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Micro- to nanoscale features of rutile needles in metapegmatite garnet

Taisia Alifirova (Speaker), Nina Daneu (Contributor), Thomas Griffiths (Contributor) & Gerlinde Habler (Contributor)

12 Jul 2022

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Ferromagnetism of magnetite-bearing plagioclase from oceanic gabbro

Olga Ageeva (Speaker), Stuart Gilder (Contributor), Gerlinde Habler (Contributor) & Rainer Abart (Contributor)

25 May 2022

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Re-equilibration of clinopyroxene-titanomagnetite clusters: the effect of isothermal annealing time and melt water content

Thomas Griffiths (Speaker), Gerlinde Habler (Contributor), Stefano Peres (Contributor), Alessio Pontesilli (Contributor) & Matteo Masotta (Contributor)

24 May 2022

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Determining the coherent solvus for alkali feldspar.

David Andreas Heuser (Speaker), Elena Petrishcheva (Contributor), Gerlinde Habler (Contributor), Ge Bian (Contributor), Christian Rentenberger (Contributor), Christian Lengauer (Contributor) & Rainer Abart (Contributor)


Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Rutile Inclusions in Garnet: Microstructure and Orientation Relationships of a Garnet Host Crystal and Rutile Inclusions in a Pegmatite from the Moldanubian Zone (Bohemian Massif, AT)

Victoria Kohn (Speaker), Thomas Griffiths (Contributor), Rainer Abart (Contributor) & Gerlinde Habler (Contributor)

21 Sept 2021

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science


Thomas Griffiths (Keynote speaker), Victoria Kohn (Contributor), Taisia Alifirova (Contributor), Rainer Abart (Contributor) & Gerlinde Habler (Contributor)

1 Sept 2021

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Using electron backscatter diffraction to determine the formation mechanism of mineral inclusions in garnet

Thomas Griffiths (Speaker), Victoria Kohn (Contributor), Rainer Abart (Contributor) & Gerlinde Habler (Contributor)

29 Apr 2021

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Crystallographic and Shape Orientation Relationships Between a Pegmatite Garnet Host Crystal and Rutile Inclusions (Moldanubian Zone, Bohemian Massif, AT).

Victoria Kohn (Speaker), Thomas Griffiths (Contributor), Rainer Abart (Contributor) & Gerlinde Habler (Contributor)

25 Feb 2021

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science


Roman Schuster (Speaker), Gerlinde Habler (Contributor), Lisa Tiede (Contributor), Olga Ageeva (Contributor) & Rainer Abart (Contributor)


Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Orientation relationships between magnetite micro-inclusions and plagioclase host

Olga Ageeva (Speaker), Ge Bian (Contributor), Gerlinde Habler (Contributor) & Rainer Abart (Contributor)


Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science


Elizaveta Kovaleva (Speaker), Richard Wirth (Contributor), Anja Schreiber (Contributor), Martin J. Whitehouse (Contributor), Gerlinde Habler (Contributor) & Gavin Kenny (Contributor)


Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science


Olga Ageeva (Speaker), Ge Bian (Contributor), Gerlinde Habler (Contributor) & Rainer Abart (Contributor)


Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Focused-ion-beam nano-machining: A tool for high-precision sample preparation for ion irradiation

Chutimun Chanmuang Nasdala (Speaker), Gerlinde Habler (Contributor), Christoph Lenz (Contributor) & Lutz Nasdala (Contributor)

26 Feb 2020

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

The microstructure and texture of spinel reaction layers around corundum: effects of reaction interface orientation

Gerlinde Habler (Invited speaker), Roman Schuster (Contributor), Chen Li (Contributor), Lisa Tiede (Contributor), Petr Jerabek (Contributor) & Rainer Abart (Contributor)

19 Sept 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Atomic structure of covalently bond diamond-graphite interfaces studied by aberration corrected transmission electron microscopy

Semir Tulic (Contributor), Thomas Waitz (Speaker), Maria Caplovicova (Contributor), Gerlinde Habler (Contributor), M. Varga (Contributor), Mario Kotlar (Contributor), Viliam Vretenar (Contributor), Oleksandr Romanyuk (Contributor), Alexander Kromka (Contributor), Bohuslav Rezek (Contributor) & Viera Skakalova (Contributor)

1 Sept 20195 Sept 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Mechanisms of Ni-catalyzed graphitization of diamond

Semir Tulic (Speaker), Viera Skakalova (Contributor), Thomas Waitz (Contributor), Toma Susi (Contributor), Gerlinde Habler (Contributor), M. Varga (Contributor), A. Kromka (Contributor), O. Romanyuk (Contributor), B. Rezek (Contributor), M. Caplovicova (Contributor), V. Vretenar (Contributor) & M. Kotlar (Contributor)

17 Oct 201819 Oct 2018

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Incomplete Ostwald ripening in Triassic primary dolomites

Patrick Meister (Speaker), Gerlinde Habler (Speaker), Silvia Frisia (Speaker) & Huiming Zhang (Speaker)

24 Sept 201826 Sept 2018

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Mechanisms of graphitization of diamond studied by transmission electron microscopy

Semir Tulic (Speaker), Viera Skakalova (Contributor), Thomas Waitz (Contributor), Gerlinde Habler (Contributor), M. Varga (Contributor), A. Kromka (Contributor), O. Romanyuk (Contributor), B. Rezek (Contributor), M. Caplovicova (Contributor), Viliam Vretenar (Contributor) & M. Kotlar (Contributor)

18 Apr 201827 Apr 2018

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Mechanisms of graphitization of diamond studied by transmission electron microscopy

Semir Tulic (Speaker), Viera Skakalova (Contributor), Thomas Waitz (Contributor), Gerlinde Habler (Contributor), M. Varga (Contributor), A. Kromka (Contributor), O. Romanyuk (Contributor), B. Rezek (Contributor), M. Caplovicova (Contributor), V. Vretenar (Contributor) & M. Kotlar (Contributor)

17 Mar 201824 Mar 2018

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Characterisation of heterostructures arising by thermally and cataytically induced transformationf of diamond surfaces

Semir Tulic (Contributor), Viera Skakalova (Contributor), Gerlinde Habler (Contributor), M. Varga (Contributor), Alexander Kromka (Contributor), M. Caplovicova (Contributor), Viliam Vretenar (Contributor), M. Kotlar (Contributor), K. Hricovini (Contributor) & Thomas Waitz (Invited speaker)

5 Sept 2017

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Titanium oxide inclusions with different phases in corundum – an atomic structure investigation via STEM

Chen Li (Speaker), Lisa Baldwin (Contributor), Timothy Pennycook (Contributor), Clemens Mangler (Contributor), Jannik C. Meyer (Contributor), Gerlinde Habler (Contributor) & Rainer Abart (Contributor)

21 Aug 201725 Aug 2017

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Understanding the growth mechanism of solid-state reaction in oxides from the atomic interface structures

Chen Li (Speaker), Gerlinde Habler (Contributor), Thomas Griffiths (Contributor), Petr Jerabek (Contributor), L.C. Götze (Contributor), Timothy Pennycook (Contributor), Clemens Mangler (Contributor), Jannik C. Meyer (Contributor) & Rainer Abart (Contributor)

21 Aug 201725 Aug 2017

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Reaction of Ni and C thin films studied by TEM and SEM

Semir Tulic (Speaker), Viera Skakalova (Contributor), Thomas Waitz (Contributor), Gerlinde Habler (Contributor), M. Varga (Contributor), A. Kromka (Contributor), B. Rezek (Contributor), O. Romanyuk (Contributor), M. Caplovicova (Contributor), V. Vretenar (Contributor) & M. Kotlar (Contributor)

21 Apr 2017

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Graphene on diamond

Semir Tulic (Contributor), Thomas Waitz (Contributor), Gerlinde Habler (Contributor), M. Varga (Contributor), Alexander Kromka (Speaker), M. Caplovicova (Contributor), Viliam Vretenar (Contributor) & Viera Skakalova (Speaker)

21 Feb 2017

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Graphene-on-Diamond: Synthesis and Structure

Semir Tulic (Contributor), Thomas Waitz (Contributor), Gerlinde Habler (Contributor), Marián Varga (Contributor), Alexander Kromka (Contributor), M. Caplovicova (Contributor), Viliam Vretenar (Contributor) & Viera Skakalova (Speaker)


Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Automated EBSD band recognition of periclase (MgO): looking for appropriate Hough-transform settings

Gerlinde Habler (Speaker)

2015 → …

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Microfabrics of mineral host-inclusion systems: constraining formation mechanisms

Gerlinde Habler (Invited speaker)


Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Mineral reactions and deformation of solid-phase inclusions and their host crystals

Gerlinde Habler (Contributor)

3 Sept 2014

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Interface geometry and topotactic relations of oriented TiO2 inclusions in a garnet host crystal

Gerlinde Habler (Speaker)


Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Microstructure and texture formation during MgAl2O4 rim growth under uniaxial load

Gerlinde Habler (Speaker)


Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Mineralwachstumsmechanismen in Geomaterialien: EBSD Anwendungen an (ultra)feinkörnigen Mineralen und Mineralaggregaten

Gerlinde Habler (Contributor)

21 Nov 2011

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Mineralwachstumsmechanismen in Geomaterialien: EBSD Anwendungen an (ultra)feinkörnigen Mineralen und Mineralaggregaten

Gerlinde Habler (Speaker)

21 Nov 2011

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Tectonic boundaries in the southern Ötztal-Stubai-Complex: Kinematics, PT-conditions and timing of deformation

Gerlinde Habler (Speaker)

23 Sept 2008

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Polymetamorphism in the Ötztal-Stubai Complex: challenges for petrological, isotopic and structural investigations

Gerlinde Habler (Invited speaker)

16 Sept 2007

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Variszische versus Permische tektono-metamorphe Prozesse in der „Matscher Decke“ (S Ötztal-Stubai Kristallin)

Gerlinde Habler (Speaker)

10 Nov 2005

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

GInA: Mineral inclusions in garnet: nanostructure-texture-genesis

Habler, G., Rečnik, A., Alifirova, T., Kohn, V., Griffiths, T., Abart, R., Ageeva, O., Daneu, N., Dražić, G. & Komelj, M.


Project: Research funding

Mineral reactions and deformation in host-inclusion settings

Habler, G., Grasemann, B., Abart, R., Griffiths, T., Eberlei, T., Kovaleva, E. & Rogowitz, A.


Project: Research funding

Tectonometamorphism in the hanging wall of extruding rocks

Habler, G. & Thöni, M.


Project: Research funding

Department of Lithospheric Research


Josef-Holaubek-Platz 2 (UZA II)
1090 Wien
Room: 2B328

T: +43-1-4277-53475